CDIM772 - Master in Library Science (by Coursework)

Programme Details

The program aims to strengthen the professional knowledge and competencies needed for the middle and higher-level positions in various libraries and resource centers in both public and corporate sectors. The courses offered range from the traditional library management contemporary to the application of related technologies for the provision of information services in the libraries and information centers.


College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics
Al-Khawarizmi Building,
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Shah Alam Campus

Tel: +60 3 5543 5452

Puncak Perdana Campus

Tel: +60 3 7962 2220


Academic Affairs

Tel: +60 3 5543 5536/5468/5456

Students Affairs:

Tel: +60 3 5543 5302/5390/5497/5411


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