CDIM262 - Bachelor of Information Science (Hons) Information Systems Management

Programme Details
This programme recognises information as a strategic resourse. It is designed to educate and train students with knowledge and skills in managing information. It involves analysing, designing, developing, and managing various types of information systems for identifying, acquiring, organizing, storing, and retrieving as well as disseminating information for users' strategic and competitive purposes.


College of Computing, Informatics and Mathematics
Al-Khawarizmi Building,
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Shah Alam Campus

Tel: +60 3 5543 5452

Puncak Perdana Campus

Tel: +60 3 7962 2220


Academic Affairs

Tel: +60 3 5543 5536/5468/5456

Students Affairs:

Tel: +60 3 5543 5302/5390/5497/5411


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