
Programme Description / Penerangan Program

The Master of Science in Applied Mathematics is a program giving in-depth knowledge of advanced applied mathematics topics and computational tools. This program offers both full-time and part-time mode of study, with once-a-year intake (every March). Students are required to complete a 40 credit hours courses. The program aims to sharpen analytical, modelling, and problem-solving skills for career advancement in industry, business, management, education, and other professions, wherever mathematics is applied. Graduates will also be well prepared to further their studies at the doctoral program.

Entry Requirement/ Syarat Kemasukan

Further information, please contact:
Dr. Nor Hanimah Kamis
Koordinator Programme CS773 
Tel: 03-5543 5410

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Course Detail / Perincian Kursus

Core Subjects (Compulsory):

Critical Reading in Mathematics (MAT721)
Matrix Theory (MAT723)
Mathematical Modelling with Applications (MAT727)
Methodology for Mathematics Research (MAT726)
Fundamentals of Numerical Analysis (MAT715)
Fuzzy Mathematics (MAT735)
Research Project in Mathematics (MAT796)

Elective Subjects (Choose 2 subjects from the list):

Mathematical Finance (MAT751)
Applied Dynamical System (MAT755)
Applied Functional Analysis (MAT753)
Applied Mathematical Programming (MAT757)
Applied Mathematics for Parallel Computation (MAT759)
Data Visualization (CSC752)
Advanced Algorithm and Analysis (CSC752)
Advanced Time Series Modelling and Forecasting (STA768)

Mode and Duration / Mod dan Jangka Masa

Mode of Study


Duration of Study

Full Time: 2 semesters + 1 short semester
Part Time: 3 semesters + 1 short semester


March (every year)

Accreditation/ Akreditasi

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam

Locations / Lokasi

This program is offered at UiTM Shah Alam.