
Programme Description / Penerangan Program

The Master of Science by research programme provides support and guidance that will help highly motivated individuals extend and deepen their research interests through a process of focused academic enquiry to a mastery level. Submission of a thesis that demonstrates the candidate's capacity of independent advanced research to the satisfaction of the faculty is a requirement of the MSc. The thesis must be first approved by the Thesis Examiners Committee consisting of at least internal examiner and external examiner. Upon recommendation to the Senate of UiTM by the faculty and the Institute of Graduate Studies, the degree of MSc is conferred on the candidates who have satisfactorily shown an ability to do independent investigation, completed all requirements as prescribed by the faculty and who have satisfactorily presented the results of the research undertaken.

Entry Requirement/ Syarat Kemasukan

Further information, please contact:
Pn Norhidayah A. Kadir
Koordinator Program CS750
Tel: 03-5543 5429 

Mode and Duration / Mod dan Jangka Masa

Mode of Study


Duration of Study

Full Time  : 2-8 semesters

Part Time : 2-8 semesters

Accreditation/ Akreditasi

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam 

Locations / Lokasi

This program is offered at UiTM Shah Alam.